Living Soul Pack Bundle:  Levels #1-4

Special Offering

Living Soul Pack - Level #1 = $ 177

Living Soul Pack - Level #2 = $ 177

Living Soul Pack - Level #3 = $ 177

Living Soul Pack - Level #4 = $  77

Living Soul Pack - Level #5 = $ 278

 Regular Donation Total = $ 886

Special Bundle Offer = $ 557

You Save = $329

Ever heard something like the need/demand to

"Prove up Your Claim"


"Failure to state a Claim upon which relief can be granted"


Who do you think you are? What gives you the right?

Hot Air doesn't cut it...

Don't get caught without the "Written & Recorded" Proof of Your Claims!!


    Of the "Living Soul Pack - Bundle" Includes ALL of the following Trainings:

Details of everything included in this Special Bundle Deal can be seen at the links below:

NOTE: The Video on all 4 Pages is the same as the one above; however, each Offering Page, has full details of the Training & Document Templates that come with each Level.

You can make donations for the individual levels, but the price is lower if you choose the Bundle.

In this Training you will receive the templates you need for the

     (1) Creation of your "Claims & Titles" with the "supremacy and superiority


     (2) Recording of them as the "Facts in the Evidence"

Hint: You cannot try a fact :)

If you are ready and believe you deserve the peace of mind that comes with KNOWING that you have your Claims done, with the Recordings in the right form of the law, in the right order for the preservation of your "supreme & superior" "Claims & Titles", then you will love this Training!      

This Training is set up with the ultimate simplicity 

    (I) for the "creation and recording" 

           (I-A) of your "Claims and Titles"

                      (A) with the "supremacy & superiority",

                              (1) over the State,

                              (2) via usage of the Law of the Spirit (a) for the type of the Law;

                      (B) for your

                                          [Level #1]

                                    (1) Living Soul

                                    (2) God-Given Names,

                                    (3) Commerce Marks

                                           [Level #2]

                                    (4) Grant of the Dominion & Seal of the Spirit,

                                    (5) Heavenly Inheritance,

                                    (6) Earthly Inheritance,

                                    (7) Constitutor Authority {for the Activation of the Lawful Governments}

                                           [Level #3]

                                    (8) Cestui Que Vie, Constructive Trust (6) Item

                                           [Level #4]

                                    (9) Ordering, Receiving & Authentication of Your 

                                            (a) Original Certificate(s) of Live Birth {OCLB}


                                            (b) Birth Certificate(s) {BC}


                                    (10) Attachment,

                                              (a) of your "Affidavit of the Entitlement",

                                                     (i) onto/with your OCLB 

                                                           (a') with the Authentication(s),

                                              (b) for your Estate Equity Claim and

                                   (11) Affidavit

                                            (a) of the Standing {NOT status} for the (you as a) Living Soul,

                                            (b) that 

                                                        (i) establishes yourself as a Living Soul,

                                                               (a') in the body of a man/woman,                                                  

                                                               (b') with the Seal of the Spirit of the Creator of the

                                                                               Universe {aka Almighty God}

                                                               (c') {whom is} "separate and distinct"                                                                                                                    (i') from the ALL CAPS MARITIME VESSEL,                                                                               (ii) breaks the default status,

                                                              (a') of you being the surety for the ALL CAPS Vessel,

                                                              (b') that is in the government's (& IRS's) computers,

                                                    (iii) verifies and provides evidence of your (a') acceptance of 
                                                               (i') the Grant,
                                                                       (a'') of the Dominion
                                                                                (i'') over the Earth and the fullness thereof,
                                                                       (b'') in the alignment with the Genesis 1:24-28,
                                                                       (c'') from the Grantor Of the Dominion {GOtD},
                                                               (ii') your Earthly Inheritance {entitlement to, and true                                                                                              Owner  of your Estate Equity - NOT Minor Estate 
                                                              (iii') your Heavenly Inheritance {Rewards in the Heavens},
                                                              (iv') your Authority for the Constitution of the {Lawful} 
                                                                         (a'') "utilizing & under" the Law of the Spirit,
                                                                         (b'') for the administration of a {specific} part of the 
                                                                                Earth {Ex: republic of Texas, Illinois republic} AND
                                                 (iv) verifies your Authority for the taking of the Office of the sole, 
                                                        General Executor/Executrix, without the limitations nor 
                                                         restrictions ("equivalent or superior" to the Letters of 
                                                 (v) verifies your domicile on the land of the Earth,
                                                          (a') of the Creator of the Universe,
                                                          (b') in the area known as ______ {ex: Texas, Illinois, Ariz.}
                                                 (vi) you being without the classification/status
                                                          (a') of a "citizen, person, resident nor SEVEN OTHER 
,                                                                        IMPORTANT STATUSES {that almost every Affidavit misses} 
                                                          (b') in order to remove all
                                                                    (i') "assumptions and presumptions" relating thereto and                                                                          (ii') adhesions with the State; AND
                                                (vii) MUCH MORE!

There are 17 Total Document Templates in this Training!!

 PLUS the Affidavit of the Standing

Four (4) of those Document Templates may not be "applicable or available" to everyone; however, all of the rest of the Templates are universal.

All you need to do is 

  (1) Go through the Training Overviews

  (2) Download the Document Templates

  (3) Make a few minor edits for your names, mailing location, account numbers, etc.

  (4) Print out Numbers of the Templates shown in the Training

  (5) Mail &/or Record your Completed Claims


You will have your "Claims & Titles" with the "supremacy & superiority", (a) over any Claim by the state or STATE, (b) for the most important "Issues & Items" that have kept people in the bondage for thousands of the years!!       

Steps for the Making of Your Donation for Your Training Access

       (1) If you have a Coupon Code, click the "little black arrow

              (a) to open coupon box and 

              (b) enter your Coupon Code...then click Apply

        (2) Enter your Email

             - where you want to receive your login credentials

       (3) Check the Box next to "I agree....with the terms and conditions"

              - just like you do when you open any online account

       (4) Enter your Credit Card, CashApp or Banking Information

              - for the making of your Donation

       (5) Click the Yellow "Complete My Order" button below and you will automatically be given access to all 

             four (4) Levels.

Enter Your Details Below...

Billing address

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Living Soul Pack - Bundle - Levels #1-5$557

  • Total payment
  • 1xLiving Soul Pack - Bundle - Levels #1-5$557

All prices in USD