Texas Nation - Constitution 2023 - Level #1
Special Offering for the (state Nationals) America Natives
                                               - for the Establishment
                                                    (a) of the Lawful Governments,
                                                    (b) "via & with" the (i) Peace,
                                                                                    (ii) Honor
                                                                                  (iii) Clarity...and 
                                                                                  (iv) Fiduciary Capacity {Stewardship}

    In this Overview Video #1 you will learn about the: 

      (I) MCC - "Regular Annual Co-Creatorship" {RAC} - Special Offering for the America Natives;
           (A) consisting of the three (3) very important Trainings that contain vital information 
                  (1) that every "(a) Texian and (b) American [state] National" needs to know;
           (B) that is being made available to you, 
                   (1) in the private, for the 
                         (a) protection of the 
                                 (i) privacy of the other Co-Creators and 
                                (ii) information inside; and 
                         (b) revealing of the: 
                                 (i) secrets of the spells that have 
                                       (a') been cast
                                                (i') by the magi of the Cabal
                                               (ii') since the 'Tower of Babel' and 
                                       (b') kept the people in the bondage for the {perhaps} thousands of 
                                              the years, 
                                (ii) issues that have arisen with the 
                                       (a') THE STATE OF TEXAS
                                       (b') Republic of Texas/The Republic of Texas/republic of Texas and 
                                       (c') all of the other "49 +/- American Governments" 
                                               (i') that are supposed to exist 
                                                      (a'') in the form of the "constitutional republics" {not 
                                                             legislative democracies}, 
                                (iii) the system for the communications that can open up your mind to a 
                                       whole new level of the "authority and power" in your communications 
                                (iv) a process for the igniting {hopefully} of the "enthusiasm and 
                                         (a') in your soul,
                                         (b') for the {re-}establishment
                                                 (i') of the "lawful" governments
                                                       (a'') with the righteousness and truth
                                                       (b'') for the "protection of, and benefit for, the people
                                                       (c'') by the people with the "standing and authority".                                              

    Of the purpose
      (a) of the Overview Videos,
      (b) is for the provision of the disclosure
            (i) of (a') why
                             (i') we need governments with the, 
                                    (a'') "force & effect" of the {positive] law
                                    (b'') preservation of the authority
                                             (i'') of the "people over the governments" and
                                    (c'') obligation
                                           (i'') of the duty of a fiduciary
                                          (ii'') for all of the people working for the 
                                                (a''') Public Trust(s) and/or Government(s) {lawful governments} and 
                     (b') what you will be receiving for your donation
                              (i') so that you can have the information you need, 
                                     (a') about the making of a donation for the Trainings,                                            
                                     (b') before the making of a donation.                                             .

    Note: Comment appearing at 2:31 should read: perversion of the "nouns into the VERBS" {not adverbs}

Texas Nation - Constitution 2023 - Level # 1
In this Training, you will learn about the following topics:

      Lesson #0

                  A. Overview Video #1

                      - Issues with the Lawlessness and Absence of the Lawful Governments (22 min 19 seconds)

                 B. Overview Video #2:

                     - Issues with the Lawlessness and Absence of the Lawful Governments (21 min 45 seconds)

                 C. Overview Video #3

                     - Of the History of the "Subversion and Take-Over" of the Lawful Governments (10 min 34 sec)

                 D. Overview Video #4:

                      - Review of the Changes Resulting in the "Subversion and Take-Over" of the 

                            Lawful Governments and Introduction of the Requirements for the Solutions (26 min 55 sec)


                 E. Overview Video # 5:

                        - Continuity of the Government Video with the CIC Trump (1 min 41 seconds)

       Lesson #1

                 A. Table of the Contents (1) for the Texas Nation - Constitution 2023


                 B. Overview of the "Body of the Constitution" covering a myriad of topics such as the:

                       1. terminology {of vs for}

                       2. Nation vs Republic vs State

                       3. Reversion of the Power Pyramid

                       4. Authority vs Rights vs Power

                       5. Constitution/Trust with the Officers+ {each} with the Duty of a Fiduciary

                       6. And much more!

       Lesson #2: Definitions for the Texas Nation - Constitution 2023

       Lesson #3: Metes & Bounds for the (1) Texas Nation - Public Trust, (2) Texas Nation - Government, (3)  

                            Texas County - Public Trusts and (4) Texas County - Governments

Steps for the Completion of Your Access:

       (1) Enter your Email 
             - where you want to receive your login credentials
      (2) Check the Box in the front of the "I agree with the terms and conditions"
             - for your acceptance of, and agreement with, the "Terms & Conditions" of  the PCA Agreement of
                the My Co-Creatorship, PCA (just like you do when you open an account with Amazon, Google,                            Banks, Crypto Exchanges, etc.)

      (3) Enter your Credit Card, CASH APP or Banking Information 
             - for the making of your donation
      (4) Click the Yellow "Complete Order" button below
             - for the completion of your Order.

Texas Nation - Constitution 2023 - Level #1$77

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        Enter Your Information Below for the Processing of Your Donation

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  • Total payment
  • 1xTexas Nation - Constitution 2023 - Level #1$77

All prices in USD

Additional Trainings on the "Texas Nation - Constitution - 2023"

- for those who want to serve via the (1) Texas Nation - Public Trust and/or (2) Texas Nation - Government

      Level #2

Lesson #4: (A) Texas Nation - Constitution Laws 

Lesson #5Texas Nation - Government Laws

Lesson #6: (A) Oaths & Bonds (1) for the (a) Officers, Agents, Employees, Militia, Military Personnel PLUS (B) Oaths for the Contractors, Consultants & Advisors,

Lesson #7: List of the Texas Counties, Texas County - Public Trusts and Texas County - Governments

      Level #3

Lesson #8: Texians' {Nationals} Claim of the Authority & Power

Lesson #9: Activation of the New Vessel under the Law of the Spirit

Lesson #10: Recording, Recording &  Recording (but not Recording) of the (I) Public Notice of the "Acceptances & Claims" & (II) Constitution with the force and effect of the positive law