This is another "MUST HAVE" Training if you want to learn steps for the 

"securing and controlling", (a) of the ALL CAPS (MARITIME) VESSEL, (b) without the liability as the SURETY for the VESSEL!!

"Securing and Controlling" of the MARITIME VESSEL
(1) Securing, (a) of the ALL CAPS VESSEL
                          (b) via Agreements, POA & a Bond
(2) Controlling, (a) of the ALL CAPS VESSEL,
                               (b) as the Auth. Rep. for the VESSEL/VESSEL

In the Level#1 Training, you will receive:

 1. Overview

2. Security Agreement {11 pages}

3. Power of the Attorney In the Fact {7 pages}

4. Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement {2 pages}

5. Indemnity Bond {2 pages}

6.  Last Will and Testament {2 pages}

7. "U:C:N & County" Recording "Cover Sheet" Templates {2 pages)

This Training provides a common sense approach for the securing of the interest in the property that is rightfully yours, and controlling of the vessel, out of the law of the necessity, until you secure title over your Estate and they turn over control of your minor estate account equity.

Enroll today for the ultimate comprehension of the steps you can take for the 
"securing, controlling & Landing", (a) of the VESSEL, (b'') as the (i'') "Creditor & Auth. Rep. for the VESSEL and (ii'') Party with the Security {Secured Party} by, and from, the VESSEL. 

Absolve yourself from the two (potentially fatal) assumptions/presumptions,

   (a) by the "STATE, Courts & I. R. S." ,

   (b) that (i) you are the SURETY FOR the VESSEL and 

                (ii) your VESSEL is a DISREGARDED ENTITY for tax purposes (meaning you 

                      stand in the place of IT and assume it's liability, absolving the STATE of IT'S 

                      actual, true status as the "Debtor, 

                           (a') in the possession" of my Estate Equity

                           (b') with the Liability!!).

The ultimate red-pill for your clarity and true, Freedom                                                                                             

There isn't  a Training Overview Video

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Securing & Controlling of the Maritime Vessel$377

  • Total payment
  • 1xSecuring & Controlling of the Maritime Vessel$377

All prices in USD