Clear Format Communications - Level #1

Clear Format Communications - Level #1
Overview of the Clear Format Communications
  In this Training, you will learn about the following topics:

Lesson #1: Why are Clear Format Communications necessary?

Lesson #2What are Clear Format Communications

Lesson #3: How formatting of the CFCs works!

Lesson #4: What if you make mistakes?

Steps for the Making of Your Donation for Your Access

       (1) Enter your Email

             - where you want to receive your login credentials 

      (2) Check the Box next to "I agree....with the terms and conditions"

             - for your Agreement with the 'terms and conditions' of the Co-Creatorship Agreement of the My Co-

                Creatorship, PCA, just like you do when you open an account with the bank, Amazon, Facebook, etc.}


      (3) Enter your Credit Card, CashApp or Banking Information

             - for the making of your Donation 

      (4) Click the Yellow "Complete My Order" button below:

Clear Format Communications - Level #1$77

Enter the email where you want to receive your login information

Billing address

                                                  Complete Your Payment

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xClear Format Communications - Level #1$77

All prices in USD

      Level #2: How to write with the CFCs

Lesson #5: This Training is not open yet.

**Pre-requisite = Level #1**

      Level #3: CFCs for the Commerce

Lesson #6: This Training is not open yet.

**Pre-requisite = Level #1-2**

      Level #4: CFCs for the Businesses

Lesson #7: This Training is not open yet.

**Pre-requisite = Level #1-2**